


这个目录下有两个iTerm2的solarized配色方案,我是用的dark的。 然后如下:

Open iTerm 2, open Preferences, click on the "Profiles" (formerly Addresses, formerly Bookmarks) icon in the preferences toolbar, then select the "colors" tab. Click on the "load presets" and select "import...". Select the Solarized Light or Dark theme file.

You have now loaded the Solarized color presets into iTerm 2, but haven't yet applied them. To apply them, simply select an existing profile from the profile list window on the left, or create a new profile. Then select the Solarized Dark or Solarized Light preset from the "Load Presets" drop down.

简单来说就是在iTerm2的Profiles edit中,选择colors tab,然后点击"load presets",就可以加载你下载的配置方案了。

然后在当前的profile中在"load presets"下拉列表中选择刚刚load的配色方案,你会发现你的整个iterm2界面都成了solarized了。

最后可以再profile列表中的,"Other Actions"下拉列表中选择"Bulk Copy from Selected Profile",将当前的colors方案拷贝到其它profile中,这样你所有的profile的iTerm2界面都是solarized了。


set background=dark
colo solarized


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